This blog began as an offshoot of my web site, Minnesota Education Reform News, which has existed on various hosts and in various formats since December 1999.
Minnesota Education Reform News is currently experiencing technical difficulties related to its content management system, Mambo. This will not affect the Scholar's Notebook blog, except you may see fewer postings from me until this issue is resolved.
Scholar is taking this opportunity to reevaluate the web site as a whole. (He does this every couple of years, every time his current web site software breaks down!) We are considering how we can better carry out our mission of educating you of timely and important issues in education reform: curriculum and instruction (especially integrated math and American history), school choice, early childhood education, academic standards, legislation, and the federalization of education.
Look for a new and improved Minnesota Education Reform News soon. When we go live with the new site, it will be located at http://news.scholarsnotebook.info. This blog will continue to be reachable via Blogspot or via a new URL, http://blog.scholarsnotebook.info.
Thank you for your interest and support of freedom-loving education reform.
In Scientia Libertas,
Matt Abe (a.k.a. Scholar the Owl)